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Journal of International Society for Clinical Physiology & Pathology №1 2024

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Bagdasaryan V.
Innovations in Diagnostic and Surgical Treatment Approaches for Moyamoya Disease.

Rubina S., Makarova I.
Autonomic dysfunction and comorbid diseases in patients with obstructive sleep apnea.

Al-Kubaysi Sh.S., Vlasov A., Trofimov V., Vlasova T., Myshkina N., Saraeva D., Abramov A.
Dysmicrocirculatory phenomena in patients with acute pancreatitis, concomitant diabetes mellitus, in association with gene polymorphism ENOS (C774T).

Kugushev A., Lopatin A., Grachev N., Dagher S., Kotov V.
Clinical and Radiological Features of Primary Chronic Osteomyelitis and Fibrous Dysplasia of The Mandible.

Osipova Yu., Ostrovskaya L., Morgunova V., Ermakova O., Arinina L., Domenyuk D., Kochkonyan T., Domenyuk S.
Clinical & Morphological Approach to Diagnosing Periodontium Inflammatory Diseases in Patients with Barrett’s esophagus.

Mengistu E.M., Shevelev O., Petrova M., Mengistu A., Fedishina Y.
Correction of Disrupted Circadian Rhythm of Cerebral Tempera-ture in Patients with Chronic Impaired Consciousness after Severe Brain Damage by Using Low-temperature Technologies.

Bashkov A., Dunaev A., Sheikh Zh., Popov M., Matkevich E.
The Role of a Radiologist in Planning Surgical Treatment of Patients with Focal Liver Lesions within the Framework of a Multidisciplinary Approach. Analysis of the Results of In-house Computed Tomography and Development of an Adapted Algorithm of Reporting.

Sinyukova T., Kavushevskaya N., Morozkina A., Kovalenko L.
Deposition of Polyphenols in Mare’s Milk Exosomes and Assessment of Their Bioavailability

Yuldashova O., Bataeva A.
The Length of The Children’ Body at The Age Of 7 Till 17, Living in the South Kyrgyzstan.

Mikheev S., Pustovoyt V., Yurku K.
Dependence of Prolactin on The Level of Lower Limb Amputation in Paralympic Athletes.