Radiation Methods for Studying the Liver in the Diagnosis of Si-nusoidal Obstruction Syndrome in Cancer Patients During Drug Therapy

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Alexei Dunaev, Andrey Bashkov, Zhanna Sheikh, Tatyana Kudryavtseva, Evgeniy Esin, Sergey Voskanyan, Irina Shipuleva, Maxim Popov, Elena Matkevich, Olga Lazebnaya

For citation:

Dunaev A., Bashkov A., Sheikh Zh., Kudryavtseva T., Esin E., Voskanyan S., Shipuleva I., Popov M., Matkevich E., Lazebnaya O. Radiation Methods for Studying the Liver in the Diagnosis of Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome in Cancer Patients During Drug Therapy. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (2): 13-15.


Due to the widespread use of drug therapy in the treatment of oncological diseases in the practice of a radi-ologist, various manifestations of its damaging effects on the liver parenchyma have become more common. One of these side effects is sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, in which a violation of microcirculation devel-ops at the level of the sinuses of the hepatic lobes. Developing pathological changes in the liver parenchyma of a vascular, structural and functional nature can simulate the progression of the oncological process. Also, late diagnosis of drug toxicity can lead to the development of irreversible changes — liver cirrhosis, portal hy-pertension. Thus, diagnosing sinusoidal obstruction during various medical imaging methods is an urgent task for a radiologist.

Keywords: sinusoidal obstruction syndrome, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, chemotherapy.