Improvement of Pathogenetic Periodontal Treatment through Laser Combined with EHF Irradiation

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Susanna Parfenova, Yulia Kobzeva, Larisa Ostrovskaya, Dmitry Domenyuk, Taisiya Kochkonyan, Artem Parfenov, Mariam Aslanyan, Victoria Tverskova, Fatima Rashidova, Marina Gikoshvili, Anastasia Galevich, Diana Tsaturyan, Oleg Ivanyuta

For citation:

Parfenova S., Kobzeva Yu., Ostrovskaya L., Domenyuk D., Kochkonyan T., Parfenov A., Aslanyan M., Tverskova V., Rashidova F., Gikoshvili M., Galevich A., Tsaturyan D., Ivanyuta O. Improvement of Pathogenetic Periodontal Treatment through Laser Combined with EHF Irradiation. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (2): 8-12.


Rationale. Verification of chronic generalized periodontitis is rated among the most promising areas of personalized therapy. Osteodestructive changes will inevitably lead to tooth loss. Correction of microcirculatory disturbances, which constitute one of the factors indicating the hemostasis of periodontal tissues, may help reduce the financial burden faced by the entire healthcare system when offering medical assistance to the respective category of patients.

Aim of study. This study was aimed at determining the role of combined laser and EHF irradition in the pathogenetic therapy offered to cases of chronic generalized periodontitis.

Materials and methods. The whole set of periodontal treatment procedures offered to 40 patients was expanded with a combination of laser and EHF irradiation (MATRIX unit). As the study was carried out, clinical and laboratory values were recorded, as well as an assessment of the indicators for periodontal tissues was done, namely, measures were taken for the pocket depth; the contents of the pocket discharge was identified; the Muhllemann-Cowell index, the papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA), the plaque index (PI), and the oral hygiene index (OHI) were evaluated, along with the hemostasis system microcirculatory link studied – the platelet functional activity (adhesion and aggregation), in particular.

Results. The comprehensive treatment of periodontitis, which included combined laser and EHF irradiation, resulted in an improved clinical status: the depth of periodontal pockets revealed a decrease, whereas no suppuration was to be observed. The improvement in the periodontal tissues came along with positive dynamics of the following indices – the PMA index featured a statistically significant decrease; the PI values showed a change to a lesser extent compared to the PMA index, yet also within the statistically significant range; the oral hygiene improved, which manifested itself through an increase in the OHI values. Notable is that the difference in the index values taken prior to the comprehensive treatment and following it, was significant. This change in the indices is related closely to changes in the aggregation and adhesive capacity of platelets.

Conclusion. Given the above, the obtained data point at high efficiency of the combination of laser and EHF exposure introduced into the set of treatment measures offered for periodontal diseases. The clinical and laboratory data are important both as a theoretical expansion to the available knowledge and from the practical stance. Platelet functional activity indicators are important markers of inflammation issues affecting periodontium. The study outcomes allow viewing the combination of laser and EHF irradiation as an effective component of comprehensive treatment for the said pathology, as well as recommend it be introduced into the treatment plan.

Keywords: chronic generalized periodontitis, combined laser and EHF irradiation, disturbed microcirculation, index evaluation for periodontal tissue status.