The Comparison of Searching Strategies for Genes Related to Ischemic Stroke: Case-control Human and Model Animal Studies

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Gennady Khvorykh, Andrey Khrunin, Ivan Filippenkov, Lyudmila Dergunova, Svetlana Limborska

For citation:

Khvorykh G., Khrunin A., Filippenkov I., Dergunova L., Limborska S.  The Comparison of Searching Strategies for Genes Related to Ischemic Stroke: Case-control Human and Model Animal Studies. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (2): 4-7.


The genetic basis of ischemic stroke (IS) remains unexplored. In this research we compared the lists of candidate genes obtained with three approaches: classical genome-wide association studies (GWAS), cluster-based GWAS and transfer of transcriptome data from rat to human subjects. The risk genes of IS downloaded from three online repositories were also included into consideration. Human orthologues of rat genes demonstrated good presence in public repositories thus pointing the potentials of rat data transfer approach. Different search strategies resulted in almost unique sets of candidate-genes. We assumed the approaches considered complement each other. The studies of genetic basis of multifactorial diseases can benefit from multiple research strategies.

Keywords: ischemic stroke, genome-wide association studies, animal models, genes.