The Role of a Radiologist in Planning Surgical Treatment of Patients with Focal Liver Lesions within the Framework of a Multidisciplinary Approach. Analysis of the Results of In-house Computed Tomography and Development of an Adapted Algorithm of Reporting.

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Andrey Bashkov, Alexei Dunaev, Zhanna Sheikh, Maxim Popov, Elena Matkevich

For citation:

Bashkov A., Dunaev A., Sheikh Zh., Popov M., Matkevich E. The Role of a Radiologist in Planning Surgical Treatment of Patients with Focal Liver Lesions within the Framework of a Multidisciplinary Approach. Analysis of the Results of In-house Computed Tomography and Development of an Adapted Algorithm of Reporting. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (1): 45-47.


Due to the implementation of transplantation technologies for combined liver resections in patients with liver lesions different etiologies, when planning surgical treatment the role of the radiologist as part of a multidisciplinary team is increasing. To reduce the burden on the radiologist when preparing for the consilium, the in-house report of the computed tomography (CT) should contain all the information necessary to determine the possibility and extent of liver resection. An audit of the quality of reports of in-house CT in 50 patients was conducted, based on the results of which an algorithm of reporting of CT was developed, adapted to planning combined liver resection. Widespread implementation of the algorithm in practice will reduce the burden on the radiologist in the hospital when preparing for the consilium.


computed tomography, combined liver resection planning, algorithm of reporting, multidisciplinary approach.