Treatment COVID-19 virus-positive patients after laryngectomy in a hospital

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Valentin Popadyuk, Elena Novozhilova, Irina Pinigina, Evgeny Spirin, Valeriya Dubova, Victor Bagdasaryan

For сitation
Popadyuk, V., Novozhilova, E., Chernolev, A., Kostyaeva, M., Kastyro, I. Treatment covid-19 virus positive patients after laringectomy in a hospital. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2022,1 (1): 16-18.

The coronavirus pandemic is spreading rapidly around the world. The health systems of all countries faced extraordinary problems in terms of the creation and distribution of medical resources, including the re-equipment and creation of new hospital beds, and the provision of personal protective equipment. The patients who undergo a laryngectomy are a special category. Given the fact that during the operation they have a separation of the upper and lower respiratory tract, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, such patients require special attention from oncologists and otorhinolaryngologists. Purpose of the study is to review the characteristics of patient management after a laryngectomy in a COVID-19 pandemic. Laryngectomy patients represent a unique contingent in conditions of coronavirus infection SARS-COV-2, it is advisable to focus on providing them with protective equipment. This will significantly reduce the risk of infection with their virus, which can be a deadly threat to them. Infected patients during an epidemic represent a potential source of infection for medical personnel, which requires special protective measures. All procedures associated with the replacement of the prosthesis, endoscopic manipulations, it is advisable to postpone until the normalization of the epidemiological situation. If carrying out such operations is vital, then they should be carried out, observing all necessary precautions for both the patient and medical personnel.

coronavirus pandemic, COVID-19, laryngectomy