The Length of The Children’ Body at The Age Of 7 Till 17, Living in the South Kyrgyzstan.

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Olha Yuldashova, Anna Bataeva

For citation:

Yuldashova O., Bataeva A. The Length of The Children‘ Body at The Age Of 7 Till 17, Living inthe South Kyrgyzstan. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (1): 52-55


The body mass of 753 schoolchildren aged 7-17 years living in southern Kyrgyzstan wasstudied. 7-10 years corresponds to the period of intensive growth of both girls and boys. 10-11-year-old girls and boys have the same height. At the age of 12-14, the height of girls growsintensively, at the age of 15-16, the growth rate of girl’s decreases sharply.


anthropology, physical development, growth and development, especially age, body length.