Dependence of Prolactin on The Level of Lower Limb Amputation in Paralympic Athletes

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Semen Mikheev , Vasiliy Pustovoyt, Kseniya Yurku

For citation:

Mikheev S., Pustovoyt V., Yurku K. Dependence of Prolactin on The Level of Lower Limb Amputation in Paralympic Athletes. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2024; 3 (1): 56-57.


The purpose of this study was to identify the dependence of prolactin on the lower extremities level of traumatic amputation in Paralympic athletes. The study used prolactin levels in members of Russian national teams (n=150) with traumatic amputations of the lower extremities at different levels in the pre-competitive period. It was found that the level of prolactin in Paralympic athletes is directly proportional to the level of lower limb amputation.


prolactin, hormonal status, Paralympic athletes, Paralympic sports