The Influence of the Relationship Between HRV Circadian Rhythms and Self-actualization on the Behavior of Skydivers During the Competitive Period

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Anastasia Bashkireva, Tatyana Bashkireva

For citation:

Bashkireva A., Bashkireva T., The influence of the relationship between HRV circadian rhythms and self-actualization on the behavior of skydivers during the competitive period. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2023; 2 (2): 4-7.


Human health, the development of social roles, inextricably linked with his behavior. Dissatisfaction with basic needs, such as the need for security, love, respect, self-respect, identity and self-actualization, leads to diseases and various disorders that affect the health of athletes and their sports achievements. During a competition, the effects of the circadian rhythms and the power of harmonics on the heart rate variability of skydivers were studied. People reveal the level and features of their self-actualization. The data obtained showed that during the acrophase of circadian rhythms in male skydivers, activation of mental processes is noted. This phenomenon is reliably associated with the need for cognition and spatial orientation. In the bathyphase of the competitive period, they showed a decrease in-group of synchronization, an increase in individual and cross-adaptive response. In female skydivers during the competitive period, according to the circadian rhythm indicators in the bathyphase, the need for protection and support revealed, which show psycho-emotional stress and a stable parasympathetic influence on the control of heart rhythm regulation. Group asymmetric synchronization of harmonic powers also noted. The results of the study of circadian rhythms showed a biorhythmological relationship between self-actualization of the personality of athletes and indicators of heart rate variability.


circadian rhythm, heart rate variability, self-actualization, health, personality, skydivers.