Polymorphism of Genes of Platelets` Integrins and Fibrinogen as a Risk Factor for Homeostatic Disorders in Preeclampsia

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Tatiana Vlasova, Tatiana Shishkanova, Ekaterina Arsenteva, Alina Markina, Ludmila Belova, Alexandra Polozova, Elizaveta Kotlyarova.

For citation:

Vlasova T., Shishkanova T., Arsenteva E., Markina A., Belova L., Polozova A., Kotlyarova E. Polymorphism of genes of platelets` integrins and fibrinogen as a risk factor for homeostatic disorders in preeclampsia. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2023; 2 (2): 49-53.


The development of perinatal obstetrics is associated with the need for a detailed study of the pathophysiological mechanisms of preeclampsia (PE).

Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study included 173 patients aged 18-45 years with a singleton pregnancy at a gestational age of 22-41 weeks at the Mordovian Republican Central Clinical Hospital. There were 3 groups: group I (n=63) — pregnant women with moderate PE, group II (n=58) — patients with severe PE, group III (control) (n=52) — pregnant women with physiological pregnancy. The assessment of the prevalence of polymorphic variants of genes was by PCR diagnostics. A laboratory study of hemostasis, microcirculation and thromboelastography (TEG) parameters was performed.

Results. In patients with severe preeclampsia, there is a high prevalence of homozygous C/C variants (46.5%) of the ITGB3 gene and heterozygous C/T variants (55.5%) of the ITGA2 gene, hetero- (G/A) and homozygous (A/A ) variants of the fibrinogen gene (FGB) — 48.3 and 36.2%, respectively. It is associated with such hemocoagulation disorders as an increase in the prothrombogenic potential of the blood based on a decrease in the number of platelets, prothrombin time and antithrombin III against the background of an increase in fibrinogen and an increase in the strength and volume of the blood clot according to TEG.

Conclusions. The severity of thrombophilia is associated with the severity of preeclampsia; pathological alleles of the studied genes are most often recorded in patients with severe PE and severe hemostasis disorders.


Preeclampsia, hemostasis system, polymorphism, genotype, lipid peroxidation.