Inna Vlasova: scientist, researcher, teacher.

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Vladimir Torshin, Natalya Ermakova, Igor Kastyro

On January 1, 2023, at the age of 89, DSс, Professor Inna Vlasova, whose pedagogical and scientific activities were inextricably linked with the Department of Physiology of RUDN University, left us.

Inna Vlasova was born on June 23, 1934 in Moscow. In 1958 she became a doctor at the Sechenov 1st Moscow Medical Institute. From 1958 to 1962 Inna Vlasova worked as a workshop physician in the medical sanitary unit N1 of the Likhachev Automobile Plant.

From 1962 to 2013, Inna Vlasova worked at the Department of Normal Physiology of the Medical Faculty of RUDN University, first as an assistant, then as a senior lecturer, associate professor, and since 1993 as a professor. Inna Vlasova was one of the founders of the Department of Normal Physiology at RUDN University. Together with Associate Professor Sofia Chesnokova and Head of the Department of Physiology Konstantin Kullanda, she participated in the organization of the educational process and the first scientific work at the Department of Physiology. In 1970 she defended her Ph.D. thesis “Characterization of properties and some mechanisms of corticopetal and corticofugal connections of non-specific systems of the brain stem”, in 1981 she was awarded the academic title of associate professor. In 1992, Inna Vlasova defended her dissertation «Comparative characteristics of temporal and adaptive reactions of nerve cells to the action of extreme factors» and received a DSc degree. In 1994 she was awarded the academic title of Professor.

Inna Vlasova lectured and conducted classes with students in the specialties «Medicine», «Pharmacy» and «Dentistry», supervised the specialty «Pharmacy» at the Department of Physiology.

Inna Vlasova was known for her scientific work in the field of studying adaptive reactions to the action of extreme environmental factors (hypoxia, temperature, laser and electromagnetic radiation), as well as the mechanisms of biorhythms at the neuron level. She owned unique methods for studying the central nervous system: the cultivation of nervous tissue, surviving sections of the brain. She learned this technique in 1974 at the then advanced scientific laboratories in Canada. She performed with scientific in Austria, Switzerland, Italy. Inna Vlasova is the author of 160 scientific, educational and educational works, including 2 textbooks and 4 workshops, as well as 12 teaching aids, 2 certificates for rationalization proposals have been received. The textbook «Fundamentals of Human Physiology» and «Workshop in Physiology», which she co-authored and are now used in many medical universities.

Inna Vlasova also did a lot of social work. Together with Associate Professor of the Department of Therapy Elena Polotskaya, she organized the first internship for students of the Medical Faculty of RUDN University at Clinical Hospital No. 64. She was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University Fyodor Romashov on a voluntary basis for work with interns, residents and graduate students, a member of the trade union committee of the Faculty of Medicine, the secretary of the faculty’s expert commission, a member of the commission for work with students in the hostel of RUDN University. For many years she was responsible for extracurricular activities at the Department of Physiology of RUDN University, for which the Department of Physiology received prizes for 3 consecutive years in 2007-2008, 2009-2010, 2010-2011.

Inna Vlasova was awarded the badges “Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation” and “Excellent Worker in Health Care”, a bronze medal of the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements, was a “Veteran of Labour”.

Inna Vlasova was an example of boundless devotion to her work, an experienced teacher and an interesting interlocutor, she had a stubborn character and incredible capacity for work. Many generations of students and staff of the Department of Physiology at RUDN University remember her with deep gratitude and reverence.


Rest in peace, dear Inna Vlasova!