The effect of olfactory analyzer deprivation in rats on the response of the autonomic nervous system

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Alexey Korolev, Anna Mnatsakanyan, Nenad Zindovic, Valentin Popadyuk, Anatoly Inozemtsev, Stepan Shilin, Margarita Kostyaeva, Igor Ganshin, Polina Mikhalskaya

For сitation

Korolev, A.; Mnatsakanyan, A.; Zindovic, N.; Popadyuk, V.; Inozemtsev, A.; Shilin, S.; Kostyaeva, M.; Ganshin, I.; Mikhalskaya, P. The effect of various simulations of the olfactory analyzer of sensory deprivation in rats on the response of the autonomic nervous system. Journal of Clinical Physiology and Pathology (JISCPP) 2022; 1 (1): 4-10.


The effect of modeling septoplasty and modeling sensory deprivation of the olfactory analyzer in rats on changes in the frequency domain of heart rate variability was compared. Bulbectomy provokes more pronounced changes in heart rate variability in rats, compared with septoplasty simulation. After bulbectomy, the high frequencies, low frequencies, very low frequencies, and the LF/HF ratio increase.


septoplasty, stress, bulbectomy, heart rate variability.